Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Big Question: What is the Meaning of Life?

Think of it this way. What is the BIG God's plan? "Zoom out," if you will, and imagine yourself in space looking down at earth. Look at the big picture, and not just isolated events that happen to individual people, wars with countries, natural disasters and such. Next, ask yourself these questions.

  • Why did God created humanity in the first place, and what was the point?
  • Where was he going with this idea?
  • What's in it for him?
  • What would be the end result be for humanity as a whole?

To answer those questions, people say read the Bible. Things start to get weird from there. The Bible tells the story of Adam and Eve. God created the Universe, Earth, plants, animals, and also two people from dust and a rib all in a 6 days, and on the 7th day he rested. There's already a couple questions I have at this point.

  • How can he create the universe and the earth from nothing at all, but need dust from the earth to create Adam, and then Adam's rib to create Eve?
  • Why did it take 6 days when he has the power to create it all in just 1 billionth of a second?
  • The 7th day is the Sabbath, as we all know. Why did he "rest" on the 7th day when he was already done with the Universe and the Earth in the first 6 days? That implies that he was going to do more work on the 8th day and so on. Everything in existence was already here, so he was naturally resting because there was nothing more to be created.
  • And why would he even need to rest in the first place? I guess he gets tired.
  • Why did God make the 7th day of the week a holy day of rest then?
Sounds a little strange already, but he's God, he can do whatever he wants. And being all-powerful as he is, there's no reason he wouldn't do something like that even if he didn't need to.

Next he creates the garden of Eden. In this garden, he creates a tree with magical fruit that when when eaten, bestows wisdom of some sort. But God doesn't want them to eat the magical fruit, so he tells them that they better not, or else they'll die. Better stay away from that! I'm sure we know the rest, but ask yourself these things before you dwell on it any further:

  • If they ate the fruit, they would gain wisdom? Did God create them dumb, then?
  • What is the point so far? An experiment of some sort? To have a couple dumbed down pets?
  • Why create the temptation of the Tree of Life with fruit that when eaten, is punishable by death in the form of mortality? That's like saying that eating the fruit will give you cancer that will eventually lead to your death.
Next comes a big conundrum:
  • If God knows ANYTHING about the future, as soon as he created the tree of life with the "wisdom fruit" on it, he would have known that Eve was going to eat it.
Well, maybe he either doesn't know the future then, or just didn't "look into it" before that. It's safe to say that it is impossible to know the future because it hasn't happened yet.
That puts a limit on a supposedly all-powerful God.
===(More on Future to come in another Blog posting)===

  • Where did the "talking serpent" come from that suckered Eve into eating the fruit? It doesn't mention the "talking serpent's" creation so far in the story. Sure God created all the animals including snakes already, but they couldn't talk.. right? Well, it turns out that the "talking snake" is that pesky Satan guy, who can apparently shape-shift.
  • If Satan can shape-shift, then what are the limits on his powers?==(More On Satan to come in another blog posting)===
  • If God knows what you're thinking at all times, then why didn't he intervene with Eve or Satan while Satan was tempting her, and while Eve was contemplating on eating the fruit?
  • What's in it for Satan to have tempted Eve? To laugh at them when God punished them?

Satan lived in heaven, didn't like something God did and started a war and was cast down to Earth, or so the story goes. Thank you God for sending that asshole down here for us to deal with. Every story needs a bad guy, I guess.

  • If Satan was here this early in the story, and isn't written to have been created with Adam and Eve, then God obviously had something else going on before Earth.
  • Heaven had to exist before Earth in order for Satan to have developed his supposed history of being Gods favorite angel, starting a war, then being cast down here on Earth. If heaven already existed, then what was his reason then for making the Universe and Earth as a side "project?"
  • If God's punishment to Satan was casting him down to Earth, then maybe the Earth was created as his prison.
  • Maybe the "war" was going on while God was in the 6 day process of this creation, got fed up with Satan's antics, then cast him down here and banned him from heaven. That's actually not a valid reason if God can just will the Universe into existence in just 1 billionth of a second.
  • If God knows the future, then why was Satan his favorite angel if he knew he would turn against him and eventually start a war? If God doesn't know the future, then that can't apply.
===(Or can it? [link to "future" blog in progress])===
  • Why would God cast the evil Satan down to Earth to let him mess with us in the first place? Why would he even allow Satan to do so?
  • What if Satan doesn't exist? Then every story in the Bible mentioning him and demons is a LIE. The temptation of Jesus story and Jesus casting the "Legion, for we are many" demons out of the swine, for example, are lies.
===(Exorcism Topic coming soon)===
  • What else in the Bible is false then?
  • If Eve was made from Adam's rib, then wouldn't she be considered to be of Adam's genetic material, basically making her Adam's sister? Their children would be born mentally retarded because of incest, and their children's children would just be one huge regressive slope further and further into retardation. It's safe to say God had to mess with the DNA in the womb, then.
  • If God messed with the DNA of the generations of incest children originating from Adam and Eve, who by nature, are supposed to be born retarded, then why are there so many birth defects that originate in the womb today? Why doesn't he mess with the DNA of children anymore?
  • If the creation story isn't true, then what IS the creation story? The answer to this question being right or wrong has a PROFOUND impact on ALL religions and their creation stories. If it isn't true, then we didn't "spontaneously appear." Evolution, the Big Bang, and many other theories are true. All of which have evidence supporting them.

My Summary

Something is not right here. I already have over *20* questions and valid points with answers that don't seem to make much logical sense! And that's just barely into first couple chapters in the Bible. Almost everything in the Bible can be fundamentally regressed all the way back to some of these basic questions. God is kind of a weird dude. Maybe then, the creation story isn't entirely true and is just a story passed down by ancient man through generations of oral stories and tradition. The problem with oral tradition is that it's word of mouth. Word of mouth being passed down is problematic in that things get skewed, embellished, altered, and exaggerated to glorify that culture, and that culture's religion. They can be entirely false rumors from the beginning for disinformation and manipulative purposes. That seems to be the most likely of cases. So If that's truly the case with the Bible's creation story, then why should any other story and words of the ancient authors of the Bible be taken any more seriously and as truth? Every religion and culture has their own creation stories, and of course their own Gods. And some of them are incredibly far fetched. Why is this one any different? Maybe it's time to start thinking outside the box and keep an open mind, and NEVER jump in head first into any belief system too hastily without doing your own research and critical thinking.

Once I started thinking like this about things in the manner I demonstrated above and about all things in the Bible, I immediately became an Atheist long ago. When I became a Christian, I jumped in head first with all these preconceived notions without thinking and only accepting what I learned at face value. That is, until I applied reasoning, logic, and critical thinking to try to understand the very nature of God and his personality, reasons, and intentions. I hope to show you ways of doing this and maybe you will free yourself from the emotional burdens of guilt and fear of punishment in an afterlife.

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